Sunday, May 12, 2013

Shoot the breeze

Talk about water logged!

Starting the day was a lengthy bus ride through the rain forest then a cloud forest and more rainforest. Of course I was mesmerized by the different foliage that surrounded us. Much to my excitement Gabby, Fernando, and Dr. Patricia joined me in a rousing game of name that tree.  The umbrella ferns were straight out of Jurassic Park (which was partially filmed in Costa Rica) the elephant ears were Dumbo sized, but my favorite tree was like something out of Dr. Seuss, the cecropia tree.  In Costa Rica it is called guarumo, this tree is where all the sloths go to hang out.

White water rafting was next on the list.  The dream team had so much fun dodging walls of river rounded rocks. We not only rafted this river, but also swam in it and jumped off what I would call a small cliff (me with a little help).  The water was briskly cold and wonderfully rejuvenating.  It rained on us several times which made the experience surreally beautiful. 

After a fabulous lunch of vegetables, steak, tilapia, rice, beans, spaghetti, coffee, and my favorite of the day flan, we trekked through the jungle to a coffee plantation.  I found more of my trees while I walked along the never ending, ever swaying suspension bridge where I stopped to take in the view of the majestic river that we conquered.  On the way to the plantation, when I wasn't dodging two inch long ants, I was able to witness two young monkeys...well monkeying around.  

Learning the process to make chocolate from fruit to candy bar was yummy! Fresh cocoa beans cracked right out of the fruit have a sweet yet tangy flavor; the texture reminded me of a raw dough.  I also tasted fresh ground cocoa with a small amount of brown sugar and cinnamon mixed in, this mixture was then made into a steamy frothy chocolate beverage by just adding hot water.  I put black pepper into my drink which altered the flavor just enough to cut the richness of the 65% cocoa drink.  

The last event of the day was an enlightening lecture on sustainable eco tourism.  Instead of staying at a five star resort you might find yourself at a four leaf hotel.  This is to say that the hotel is certified and is sustainable enough to gain four leaves.  Leaves rank not only hotels but also theme parks, restaurants, and other businesses.  Places of business use the leaves as a marketing tool just as stars are commonly used for marketing a business in the States.  I like the idea of basing a businesses status on how environmentally conscious they are rather than on how high the thread count is.  

Today was chalked full of activities and information and tomorrow should be the same.

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