Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Other Side of the Tracks

Up a winding narrow road there are farms of every kind onions, dairy, and coffee to name a few.  After a long twisting and turning journey of roughly 11,260 feet we reached the top of Irazu Volcano and the national park.  We walked out to see the crater just in time for a cloud to move in.  The temperature dropped dramatically and the wind whipped the mist through the air like millions of tiny needles.  Attempting to see the crater was a fail for me I could not see anything for the fact that my eyeballs were frozen!

 I shortly retired to the gift shop where they were selling bamboo shirts-if you ever get a chance to buy something made with bamboo fabric do it! Bamboo makes some of the softest natural fiber cloth.

Going down seemed like much shorter journey. Walking through town, the site workers who were getting ready for the opening day of the train let us walk around the site and the tracks! In the market I found meat vendors, produce sellers, small restaurants, pet food stands, a ribbon booth, and even some apparel stores.  Being able to taste some different fruits was hands down my favorite part! 


A lunch of grilled chicken, juicy steak, and whole fishes was served at Casona del Cafetal a stunning quaint place on the side of a lake in the Orosi Valley.

  After our fine meal we learned about the coffee farms that give work to Nicaraguans for roughly 5 months out if the year.  Fernando then took a handful of us who braved the rain down a beautiful path lined with a variety of flowers to see the lake.

We visited Cartago Costa Rica's original capital as well today the Basilica was breath taking.  Over two million people walk from all around Costa Rica to make a pilgrimage once every September.  They pray for their countries patron saint to interceded for their ailments or the pain of loved ones.  Buying medals in the shape of whatever you need healed is common; people take these medals and pray with them though the year and leave them at the Cathedral on their next pilgrimage.  Every day at three o'clock prayers are said, some people will walk on their knees to the alter.

Today was a beautiful day as I suspect everyday is in Costa Rica.

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