Saturday, May 11, 2013

A Dollar Short

It was an early start to an unfortunately caffeine free morning but it was well worth it! My fist day in Costa Rica! 
 I was taken aback the moment I stepped foot off the plane; the landscape is breathtaking.  An instant feeling of peace came over me as I looked at all the different types of trees that overflowed on our bus ride to the hotel.  Past all the trees you could just make out the volcanic mountain rage; a breathtaking view. 
San Jose is a beautiful city if you ask me.  All the houses and shops tightly packed together and painted in bright colors gives the city a warm homey feeling despite the bars on all the windows and doors.  Walking through the city I got a laid back vibe like when walking in the Quarter, although I'll say driving in the city I'm sure I would feel rushed beyond belief.
Well I had my first experience with local food, a chicken bacon sandwich with onion, guda, and special sauce, which was finger licking good. The only thing better was the fruit drink made with guayaba fruit water and sugar.  I can't wait for breakfast!

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